Since I started re-cycling a few years ago, my rubbish has been reduced to a fraction of it's former "glory". All my glass and paper now goes to re-cycling, and all the #1,2 and 5 plastic. Where possible I try to re-use little glass jars for storing spices and dried herbs etc.
The re-cycling depot that I take my stuff to gets my support because they employ mentally challenged young adults to do the sorting. They also have a shop where they sell second hand books and bric a brac. Today I found some really nice things in the shop and it all cost me only R80.00/US$8.00. The little wooden box I'm going to use to store playing cards, and I just love the little olive bowl with a separate compartment for pips. The plates are pretty and always useful. So, one persons junk is another ones treasure. I would urge everyone to re-cycle as much as possible and try and buy second hand as much as possible as well. Reducing your carbon footprint is what it's all about. Some really useful ways to reduce your carbon footprint can be found here
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