Friday 15 November 2013

Summertime.........and the living is easy.........Breakfast time.......

How I love the warmer weather. (Sorry those in the Northern Hemisphere - you've had your 6 months in the sun. Now it's our turn. ) Breakfast in winter always makes me feel guilty afterwards. I know I should be eating more fruit and less bread and cheese, but when the weather is cold and wet (as only a Cape Town winter can be) all I want to do is cram in all the fatty carby food I can and to heck with the consequences. When the weather starts to warm up I find it so easy to stick to fruit and yoghurt. I can even manage without my comforting mug of coffee or 3 and drink more Rooibos tea, which is free of caffeine and high in anti-oxidants.

My favourite way of drinking Rooibos tea is to add a dash of lemon juice, a squirt of honey and a ½ tsp of Eve's Ginger Tea granules. Why is it so much easier to be healthy in Summer? This morning I teamed it with a bowl of mixed fruit salad (summer fruits - my favourite) a dollop of pineapple yoghurt, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are super healthy. They are rich in all sorts of minerals and have anti-inflammatory properties, apparently.

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